About us

David Proctor
about us

innovative ideas

We’ve been in business for over 40 years serving the telecommunications industry.


Today, we offer off grid electrical power systems for RV’s primarily, specializing in Airstream’s.

  • RV Solar
  • RV Power-DC and AC
  • RV Solar Charge Controller
  • RV Batteries
  • RV Inverters and hybrid inverters
  • Entire RV Mobile Inspection Services For Buyers and or Sellers


We also offer electrical RV repair and upgrades.


OGEP (Off Grid Electric Power) maintains a true appreciation for a strong and ethical stance in business and towards the environment to maintain sustainability for the future.


By completing our form below we will have an idea of what you are looking for and to discuss further.  We are more apt to contact you with time frames and costs once we receive the completed form.


Thank you and we look forward to helping you realize your off grid electric power solutions!


David Proctor

Founder: Off Grid Electric Power

we Design and build your idea in reality

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Contact Us

what we do

RV Electrical Power 

Specializing in: 48VDC 24VDC 12VDC electrical systems that provide for extended boondocking while camping or when under grid power loss.

Complete RV Mobile Inspections

Know before you buy or sell what needs to be fixed. 

Turnkey Design & Install

Solar, and Wind Turbine Power Generation For RV, Marine, and Homestead Electric DC Power. 

100% Satisfaction Guaranty